Getting Started

Is there a limit to the number of abandoned carts I can attend to?

No. Care Cart provides unlimited functionality when it comes to attending abandoned carts.

When will a cart be considered abandoned?

The default timer is 01-hrs, but you can set your own timer as well by clicking "Cart Abandoned" Timer on right corner.

Does Care Cart require any kind of programming knowledge at some point to operate it?

No. Care Cart is completely user friendly and does not implement cryptic technology that can burden the user.

How will my feature requests and issues be entertained?

Customer support and entertaining your issues and requests is our top priority. We will be taking your problems and concerns directly through e-mail at and will get back to you as soon as a resolution is available.

What is CareCart and how will it helps to counter Abandoned Carts and improve conversions?

Care Cart is a simple, robust and reliable abandoned cart recovery system that converts your Shopify store’s lost revenue through intelligent tracking, automated emails and robust reporting. You can do a complete end to end drip campaign ( Track abandoned carts, send them email, have a drip that will followup with them with up to 3 emails) You can stop the cart from getting abandoned all together using browser notifications, therefore more conversions.

Which ecommerce platform work with CareCart?

Till Now, CareCart is working on Shopify but very soon it will support woocommerce and all other ecommerce platforms as well.

How to get full features of CareCart?

You can get full featured CareCart by upgrading your plan to paid from free.

Does CareCart provide support?

Yes, you can get our support by emailing or to adding ticket to our support panel. Our team typically reply within 24hrs.

Is it Free to use CareCart? What does the Free Plan offers?

In free plan Carecart offers Some amazing features e.g Dashboard System- The Dashboard system give you all in one look. It gives you analytics of Abandoned Carts. All Abandoned Carts: In this section you can monitor all activities like customer details, amount of carts, email status etc. Abandoned Cart CAMPAIGN: In Abandoned Cart Campaign you can set your campaigns for emails. This is the section where you can change / edit email body and amount of emails etc.

Does CareCart provides a dashboard system?

Yes, CareCart has a beautiful UI Dashboard, by which all data can be reviewed in once.

Does CareCart provide email scheduling?

Yes, CareCart has email scheduling system by which email can be scheduled to your time.

What is the level of e-mail customization Care Cart provides?

You have control over the content of the header / sub-header, the banner image, click-to-action button, e-mail footer, and message editing options. You cannot however at this stage change how the products in the cart will be displayed, and is functionality targeted for a future update.

Does Care Cart modify / crop the banner image for the e-the mail once I upload it?

No. Care Cart does nothing to your image except to fit it within limits of the message if it is too wide. It is up to you to make sure that your image is appropriately designed.

Does it support multiple languages?

Yes, We support all languages.

So the e-mail will be sent immediately afterwards?

Each enabled e-mail will have its own send delay which the user can set. Depending on this send delay, the e-mail will be scheduled once the initial 2 hour wait elapses. You can set your own timer for each of email either you wan to send it after 1 hr or 4 hr, that can be set-up manually.

Is the e-mail received immediately by the potential customer once Care Cart pushes it out?

This may depend on the load on the server, and the e-mail may enter a pending queue which is reflected on the dashboard.

Does Care Cart track all activity?

In our dashboard We provide more data now in it. Please see our dashboard.

How to install CareCart on Shopify Store?

For Installation please follow the process: 1-Navigate “Apps” button in left sidebar in your store. 2- After Clicking on “Apps”, Click on “visit Shopify Store” in Right Corner in top. 3- Type “CareCart” in search bar. 4- Click on Get Button on Left side. 5- The last step to installation, Click on Install App Congratulations, you have successfully installed Abandoned Cart Killing Machine.

How to Test CareCart on your Store?

After setting up email campaign. Visit your store anonymously / as a user and add products in cart and and go away without checkout. CareCart will take action as it tracks abandoned cart and will send mail.

How to setup Email Campaign with CareCart?

Setting up an email campaign is so easy with CareCart It allows you to send 3-emails by each of scheduled. Set-up your email campaign with these simple steps: 1- Turn email send option to yes. 2- Set timer. 3- Write /Change the Subject line. 4- Set the banner Image. 5- Set call to action Text. 6- Set call to action text color. 7- Set call to action color. 8- Write / Change the email message.

What is email collector, Does it helps in Conversions?

Email Collector, Collects email from all visitors, from anonymous visitor as well. And stores it that you can utilize them to promote your store and for other campaigns as well. It will force all visitors (anonymous visitors) to enter email before adding item to cart.

Does CareCart collects Email from Anonymous?

Yes, CareCart forces anonymous visitors to put their email before start shopping from your store.

How can I change the text and color on the email collector popup?

The popup text and colour can be optimizes in Editors Bar

How to configure the settings of Email Collector / Add to Cart Popup?

Configuring an email collector is so easy and it can be done in SIX simple steps. 1- Turn Email Collector On. 2- Write / Change heading and select custom color. 3- Write / Change the text select custom color. 4- Write / Change Email PlaceHolder text. 5- write/ Change button text and select custom color 6- Turn on close button. Tip: You can see the preview while changing of texts and colors.

How to configure the settings of Email Collector / Add to Cart Popup?

Email Collector Popup Editor, here you can change Heading,Text, Email placeholder etc.

What is cart reminder and how it works?

Cart Reminder is a Reminding System which redirect customers back to your site when they toggle away. A pop-up will appears on the tab to notify visitors about incomplete checkout. The cart Reminder works really well on all kind of browsers like Mozilla, Chrome and Opera.

When will the Cart Reminder popup message be shown to the user?

1 minute delay If a Visitor make a move to another tab from current and don't come back then after 01 minutes the Cart Reminder will show a popup of tab

Where can I change the settings of Cart Reminder?

Cart Reminder Editor Bar, Here you can customize settings for popup like Color, title message etc. Configuring Cart Reminder can be done in 3 simple steps. 1- Turn it on. 2- Write / Change the popup text. 3- Turn Favicon feature on to show the amount of items in cart in notification.

Will it work on all browsers?

CareCart is designed to work on all kind of browsers e.g Opera, Mozilla, Chrome etc